Electrical Panel Installation - Bakersfield, CA

Electrical Panel InstallationAn electrical panel is a major component of your home’s electricity supply system. Its primary role is to divide power feed into subsidiary circuits while protecting the circuit breaker and the fuse in one enclosure. Also, electrical panels utilize selective tripping of breakers. This means that it will isolate only a faulty circuit in the electric supply system and shut it down without tripping the whole system. Electrical panel installation in Bakersfield, CA is very important whether you are purchasing a house or planning to build a new one.

Certified Electrical Professionals

Our reliable experts with years of experience are here to help you with your electrical needs and projects.

Getting an electrical panel installed in Bakersfield, CA is also important in protecting your home from the risk of fire due to faulty electrical wirings, overloading or short circuits. Consider the electrical panel as the heart of your home’s electrical system. If you choose to hire our services, we would ensure that your electrical panel installation will be completed in the shortest possible time without compromising the quality. We guarantee that all the electrical materials that we use follow the electrical codes of your area. Call us now, and our representative will walk you through the details of our services.

Parts that will be included in your electrical panel installation Bakersfield, CA:

  • Main breaker
  • Circuit breakers
  • Bus bars
  • Neutral Bus
  • Grounding bus bar

Electrical Panel Installation

Types of Home Electrical Panels

Our company can install any kind of electrical panel that you prefer to your home. Each panel has its own code requirement. Below are the different types of electrical panels available for any residence:

  • Main break panel. A built-in main breaker that can shut down all power supplies in a home.
  • Main lug panels. Has separate disconnects that usually help firemen to cut out power without entering the house in case of emergency.
  • Subpanels. Ideal in cases where multiple circuits are required in a separate area from home.
  • Transfer switches. Usually connected with a generator. They transfer power from the generator into electrical power that can be utilized by the house.

Electrical Panel Installation

Certified Electrical Professionals

Our reliable experts with years of experience are here to help you with your electrical needs and projects.